A mysterious figure leaning against the wall talks to Manny.
"The Bartender serves more than just drinks, he dispenses wisdom and advice to those who seek it" he's wearing a long black coat and a fedora that covers his face as he looks down.
"And just who might you be?" Manny asked
"Someone you'd like on your side..."
"Why should I trust you?"
"You shoudn't"
[[talk to mysterious stranger]]
[[talk to bartender]]
"Listen buddy, I need to know what's going down. Spill the beans." Manny turns to the stranger.
[[leave bar|continuation2]]Manny taps the bar to signal for another whiskey. As the bartender pours, he says discreetly,
"What's the lowdown around here, Vegas?"
"What a pretty face like yours is doing this friday night?" Vegas said
"I'll be back here at this bar on this stool with this whiskey, just like every night since.."
Manny downs his drink
"Maybe today's paper will get you revved up, Manny" Vegas drops it in front of him.
The front page shows the tradgedies of an arsonist on the loose, a new broadway play in town with a showing that night. A photograph of a tall luscious wavy headed man stood out to him, Holy O'Hair the caption read.
Manny stands and flips a coin to Vegas who catches it smoothly, "Gimme a call sometime, Manny" he says as the detective leaves.
[[leave bar|Continuation]]Manny starts walking down the dark night street, he sees a [[prostitute]] in the bar alley smoking.
He passes a [[newspaper stand and some stores]]. The night is so quiet and cold, and lonely.
Manny hears footsteps and he subtly looks around turning just enough to see a dark figure behind him. Someone's definitley following him..
[[confront |Confront V option]]
He walks closer to the alley
"Hey pretty boy," the lady says in a deep sultry voice, she's flat chested and has legs for days in fishnet tights, "I'll lower my rate for you, M-mister." She offers her cigarrette to him, Manny just stares at her.
"I don't smoke" he states
"Y'sure smell like it"
[[keep walking|Continuation]]Manny pauses to look at the papers all piled up from years of news. He stares at this weeks papers front pages full of the arsony happening in town. He looks up and moves closer to the closed store window where there are multiple posters and flyers. A wanted poster for the arsonist, a large poster for the broadway show, and a flyer about hair care routines. Manny brushes a hand through his hair but it just sets back to how it always does, "I guess it couldn't hurt to try" he thinks to himself and takes the hair flyer.
[[keep walking|Continuation]]Manny sprints all of a sudden and goes down an alley to try to loose the guy. The stranger keeps up, hearing the steps get closer behind him.
Manny knocks down some trash and boxes in the alley to block the strangers path.
It seemed to work as Manny kept running he lost the other guy so he slowed to a stop behind a corner.
He sees a poster in front of him of the new Broadway musical in town: Jason Takes Chicago, starring Holy O'Hair.
Manny frowned at it, "I'll never forget what you did to me.." he fumed.
Manny stops and turns to face the stranger. The guy stopped as well, just standing away enough from the streetlight to be succumbed in almost complete darkness. Manny and him just face each other for a moment of silence.
"Who are you?" Manny projects
"Quit hiding in the shadows, I say! Reveal yourself!" Manny yells at the stranger. The figure comes closer, first the light hitting his black shoes, then long black coat as he steps forward. He stops just as jaw was about to be revealed, "I thought I was ready to see you again, Manny. But it's just too painful"
"What are you yapping about? Who are you??" Manny yells at the stranger in the night
"The ghost from your past, Manny. right here." He takes one more step forward into the light for Manny to see all of him.
"Don't. Stop tryna mess with my head, get outta my head!" Manny started panicking "You can't be him! He- he's-!"
He reaches for Manny and snatches his mustache to put on his own face.
"Manny look again! You know my face, it's me: Aero"
Manny walks slower and when he hears the footsteps getting closer he turns and grabs the stranger. He pulls him into an alleyway and slams him into the side of the dumpster "Who are you? Who do you work for?" Manny shakes him by the lapels of his black coat.
The stranger is the same man from the bar, his hat falls from being manhandled.
"Calm down man!!" The stranger yells and pushes Manny off him.
"Cut the crap and give me the facts."
The stranger dusts himself off, "Look, I'm also a P.I. alright. I have a case, but my sources are drying up. Got any connections?"
"Pft, you need my help? What kind of detective are you?" Manny said
"A damn great one! You-!" In that raging moment Aero grabs a fish from the dumpster and slaps Manny with it. SMACK!
Manny surprised but prepared, takes a fish from within his coat pocket and fights back. They smack eachother back and forth and back and forth. SMACK! SLAP! TCH!
Suddenly they both slap eachother st the exact same time so hard that their hairs fall off. Literally! Their tupes fly off their heads.
[[so wait are they bald]]
agh, listen pal, you're either with me or against me?" Aero raged.
"I don't have time for games, what's the story?"
Manny starts walking down the dark night street, he sees a [[prostitute]] in the bar alley smoking.
He passes a [[newspaper stand and some stores]]. The night is so quiet and cold, and lonely.
Manny hears footsteps and he subtly looks around turning just enough to see a dark figure behind him. Someone's definitley following him..
[[run|run away from A]]
[[confront |confront A option]]
I was newer to this job than Aero, he had already been working here for 2 years. He went through a lot of partners back then when I first arrived. He didn't really get along with any of them, then they assigned me on a minor case with him. We became coweorkers to buds to partners, we somehow worked really well together.
Aero and I were in our early 20's when we got assigned our first big case. They were skeptical to hand such a big case to two rookies but we thought we were ready for this.
After A YEAR
of working on the case we were at a stuck point and running out of sources and clues. We decided to take a break and go out for chinese food at the little corner restaurant. Aero was acting a bit different than usual during dinner, he let me have all the sesame balls. As we were walking in the evening back to my dingy apartment he rested a hand on my shoulder and stopped walking.
"Manny I've got something to tell you, meet me at midnight at the old wharehouse tonight." Aero told him and then walked away. Strange I assumed he was coming back to our- my apartment as usual, pull an all nigther flipping through case folders and tossing papers around from frustration of no progress being made. Then we'd have some coffee and talk about the other detectives that pissed us off or start making pancakes at 4 am again.
I went to the old wharehouse, the place where we cracked our first case together. It was dark but there were a lot of windows letting the moonlight in. I walked around the first floor and saw Aero standing by the stairs. When he saw manny he took out his gun and said "I think this is where Demons goons hang out"
"What makes you think that, buddy?" Manny takes his gun out also, realizing that they might be ambushing the mob here.
"That's not important, just follow me." Aero said as he goes up the stairs to the third floor. They bust open the door ready to fire but it's dark and quiet. They causiously walk in, Manny taking the lead walking deeper where the roof is torn and the moonlight pours in.
All of a sudden I hear steps and a gun droppiing to the floor, I turn around and my heart sinks.
He's got Aero in a headlock, while holding a book of matches with his other. I point my gun at his head, I can feel the beads of sweat coming down my face.
The sudden reveal of their shiny bald heads leave each other in still silence for a full minute just staring at one another. Aero drops the fish from his grip, and says, "Manny, I- I didn't know you were also-"
"An Arson Ace burn victim? Look at us shiny heads, what are the chances that demon got two detectives hair." Manny says.
"Well at least now I know you'll definitely want to get in on this investigation."
Manny's intrigued, not only by this strange man's words but by his rage and determination as well.
"Let's talk in my office" Manny starts to lead the way.